Basic route instructions Pennine Way to Bull Hill – 15 miles
You can view these instructions in microsoft word and then print them by clicking Route Instructions Pennine Way to Bull Hill.
- At the far northern end of Warland Reservoir continue on with reservoir channel on R to sign post showing distance to the White House and Stoodley Pike
- Turn L. and follow flagged path, then dirt path to corner of Gaddings Dam Reservoir.
- Continue in same direction along one side of reservoir
- Turn L down stone steps and follow moorland path passing large stone on L
- Go straight across the Pennine Bridleway to follow path which curves slightly R down hill
- Take FP L opposite way marker post and head straight downhill
- Cross wooden planks then over stile in corner of field
- Follow stone wall on R then turn L to go on FP passing breeze block building on L
- Continue on FP which goes over stile then steeply down to stone gate posts
- Turn L at gate posts and follow FP crossing fields to then go next to fencing before coming to cottages on L and Top’O Hill Farm on R.
- Turn R and follow tarmac then cobbled road down to Walsden
- Cross main road then turn R to go down Lord Street behind houses on main road
- Turn L and follow road over canal and past Grandma Pollards (very good fish and chip shop/café but only open weekdays)
- Cross over A6033 on Zebra crossing and go over the railway footbridge straight ahead
- Continue up Kershaw Road passing house named ‘The Barn’ and Fairmount Road on way to Calf Hey Terrace
- Continue on road behind these 2 rows of houses
- At far end turn L on cobbled path with stream on R
- Path winds steeply up hill
- At the top turn L for about 50 m
- Turn R over stone stile on left of old wooden gate (hard to tell this is a stile)
- Follow FP with fencing on L up to property ‘Heys’
- FP goes across lawn and past front of building
- Continue straight across tarmac and over stile
- Follow FP up hill over another stile, keeping stone wall on R
- Go over stone stile onto track
- Turn R and follow track passing properties on L then under pylon wires and farm on L
- Continue on through metal gate
- Carry on ignore track going left
- Go through next metal gate and continue on passing ruined barn on L
- After next wooden gate turn L on clear moorland track continue in same direction ignoring FP going off to R
- Continue on this moorland path to fenced off mine shaft on R
- Here turn R and follow stone wall on L uphill to 2 stone gate posts
- Turn L through these and cross moorland going diagonally R in a westerly direction to meet FP along side of fencing
- Turn L for short distance to stile on R
- Go over stile and over ladder stile straight ahead crossing Rossendale Way
- Follow FP down gully to farm
- FP goes round R of farm through gates and across horse exercise area then go diagonally across grassed area and through wooden gate onto farm track
- Turn R and follow farm lane to T junction
- Cross lane and go through stile opposite
- Continue following this FP to farm stile in stone wall which has a wooden frame above it
- Turn L go through farm yard and follow farm lane down to main road A671
- Cross road and go up Quarry St passing chapel on R
- Continue straight on under stone arch and through railway subway and up steps
- Turn L and follow road round 2 bends
- Take FP ahead which is on L of Knott Hill sign and L of detached houses
- Go over stile
- Continue up very steep path and over next stile on L of metal gate
- Keep straight on with disused quarry on R, following FP close to fencing on L up to next stile which is broken and on R of red metal gate
- Continue straight on with broken down stone wall on L
- Over wet area FP continues following other side of wall
- Where wall ends go straight on with fencing about 20 m to L
- Follow FP across Jam Hill, at times not clear, but keep fencing in view on L
- FP goes to where fencing and broken down stone wall meet
- New fencing is round field and stile has gone – but barbed wire been cut, climb over at this point and follow close to fencing on your R going down hill to main track near large stones
- Turn L for few metres then turn R on track with fencing of underground reservoir on R
- Continue on this moorland track for about 1 mile, keeping view of Rossendale valley on R
- Look out for a stone wall along the open moorland track, followed by stone slabs. Take grassy track bearing L off main track. Follow this to end of stone wall on your R.
- Here turn L and follow FP around top of quarry. Go all the way around top of quarry to big stone blocks with FP between blocks
- Follow this path to moorland stone path, turn L and follow this stony path across moorland for at least ½ mile
- At fork turn R up to Rooley Moor Rd
- Turn R and follow this old stone slab track (Pennine Bridleway) for 1½ miles going through a metal gate before coming to the signpost showing bridleway turning R and top of leaches 1½ miles back the way just walked
- Here go straight on following curved embankment of dismantled tramway then stone slab old highway between stone wall and Cowpe Lowe (hill) on R as far as stone lined deep cutting
- Take L turning L on track over cutting, continue to single large stone gate post, take stile on L not the one next to gate
- Follow FP over hill and then through kissing gate
- Follow path with gully on L, down to track
- Continue in same direction on track (ruined building on R) down to T junction
- Turn L then take first stile on R
- Continue diagonally L, after crossing ruined stone wall turn R and follow grassy FP down with wall, then hedge on L to –
- Go over stile at L side of property Hey Meadow
- Turn R down steps to front of property
- Continue down lane to main road B6527
- Cross road then turn R in front of church
- Turn L down Church Lane
- Follow lane then take bridge over trunk road A56(T)
- After bridge turn L and take 1st stile on R
- Cross field to far L corner
- Go over 2 stiles
- Follow FP to fencing at corner of Great Hey Farm property
- Go over stile and diagonally down across field and rushes to FP going steeply down hill with fencing on R to stile near railway line
- Go over stile then turn R through kissing gate
- Go through subway under railway lines then turn R and follow FP with River Irwell on L to bridge
- Turn L to cross bridge
- Continue on road under arched viaduct
- Follow road past Lumb Hall to row of houses with Heron’s Reach sign on gable end
- Here turn R and step onto concrete wall to go over stile
- Continue straight on and over ladder stile and next stile
- Cross field and over stile to continue on FP close to property on your R
- At corner of house fencing/wall turn L with wall on L follow FP to far wall
- Turn R and follow FP to main road with wall on L
- Go over stile, cross road and over stile opposite
- Cross field and over wooden stile straight across farm lane and over stone stile
- Head on FP passing telegraph pole on L on way to and over ladder stile on far wall
- Continue going up passing ruined building on R. Head for right hand gate ahead, at the highest point of field
- Through gate turn L passing Robin Hood’s Well on R
- Go through gate and turn R
- Follow FP parallel with stone wall on R
- Then take L fork to go diagonally across moorland to large cairn and inscribed stone post Ellen’s Cairn
- From Ellen’s Cairn continue in same direction up moorland path skirting round the back of Bull Hill to the flag pole
- Turn L now on West Pennine Way up to trig point on Bull Hill.
- If Red flag is flying take L fork from Ellen’s Cairn passing corner of stone wall up to good metal signpost, here turn L in direction of Pilgrim’s Cross. FP passes to R of MOD Notice boards following boundary of danger area, marked by wooden posts round Bull Hill to Pilgrim’s Cross to join the West Pennine Way (From Pilgrims Cross the West Pennine Way goes South, with Ramsbottom in the valley to the left.)