Friday 16th June Grane Valley Circular


Walk 6 of the Friday Night Walks

Friday 16th June 2017

Clough Head

The Grane Valley offers walkers a chance to reflect on images of the past and see at first hand the way in which nature is reclaiming the area. Twenty walkers left Cough Head Information Centre car park on a warm dry evening and made their way towards the now deserted remains of Heap Cough Quarry. At this point the route leaves the West Pennine Way and heads towards Troy Quarry where we saw an good example of natures reclamation with both trees and plants growing out of the cracks of the quarry face. Our route re-joined the West Pennine Way before passing through Leys Farm and across the Grane Road and on towards the dam at the bottom end of Ogden Reservoir. Once across the dam wall we had a clear view of the old Tramway, but thankfully our route did not ascend it this time and we continued to walk in the direction of Calf Hey Reservoir. Having crossed the dam wall we made our way through the woods and across Grane Road and back to the car park having covered a distance of 4.5 miles.

Troy Quarry