Friday 25th August 2023

Come Walking Series of Walks: Greenmount, Summerseat, Burrs.

The meeting place for this evening’s walk was opposite The Hub Café, in Greenmount, where thirty-one walkers began by heading down Brandlesholme Road to the second footpath on the left, that took us across the wet fields to Longsight Road. Once across the road we walked down Hazel Hall Lane into Summerseat , first turning right on Railway Street and then joining the narrow foot path just passed the garden centre, on our right. The path follows the river Irwell, through the trees which by this time were bathed in the evening sunshine. After crossing the bridge, over the river, at Wood Road Lane we climbed the steep steps up to the ELR railway line and walked along the footpath to Springside Road.


The wet fields


Heading for Wood Road Lane

From here we turned right and followed the road down to the bridge, over the railway line, where we turned left and continued to follow the river down to Burrs Country Park. After following the feeder, which is a narrow canal that links to Elton Reservoir, for a short distance we climbed the steps on our right and followed the footpath to Brandlesholme Road, which we crossed, and headed down Greenside Road.

River Irwell

Springside Road

Burrs Country Park

At the bottom of the road, we joined a footpath, on our right that crossed the field to a small wood, where thankfully the undergrowth had been cleared by fellow walk leaders. Once through the wood we continued across the fields to Brandlesholme Hall Lane, where we turned left and walked into Kirklees Wood. The final section of the walk took us passed Tower Farm, and onto Kirklees Trail back to Greenmount, having covered 5.5 picturesque miles.

More wet fields
