COME WALKING Walk 1: Greenmount, Old Kays, Two Brooks & Hollymount circular walk
This was the first of our Friday night walks since 2019 due to the restrictions of the Covid pandemic. We were please to see a turn out of thirty people, many of them new to the group but also some people we had not seen since 2019. We started the walk at the top of Kirklees Trail, opposite the Hub Café, and made our way down the trail as far as the viaduct where we turned right on a narrow path and headed up to Stormer Hill Fold.
After admiring the old weaver’s cottages, we crossed the main road and headed across Old Kays field onto Turton Road. Taking the first footpath on our left we climbed up to Claybutts Road where we turned right and followed the track past several attractive cottages before re-crossing Turton Road and joining a footpath that goes downhill to Bottoms Hall in Two Brooks Valley.
Once in the valley we turned right going through the fields up to the orchard at Hollymount, where we spent some time browsing through the trees and vegetation before heading back to Greenmount through the Golf Course having covered 4 sociable miles.