Link 14: From Chorley 1.7 miles 2.8 km
Starting point; Crosse Hall Lane off Eaves Lane, opposite Stage Coach depot
Key: L= left R= right FP=footpath WPW= West Pennine Way
- Walk down this road over canal
- Continue over motorway
- Keep on tarmac track passing water cottages and on past farm on your R up to stile
- Take FP R up to next stile in hedge
- Cross field heading L of clump of trees
- Continue on FP up to gate
- Go under wooden bar on R of gate
- Go straight on then bear R on narrow FP
- Keep bearing R where FP forks to edge of wood
- Before gate and Information Boards turn R to go over stile
- Keep straight on up hill
- Continue straight on uphill at next cross paths
- On way down go straight across stony track and over stile
- Carry on downhill to tarmac road
- Turn R on road and continue round bends
- After going over stream turn L through kissing gate to join WPW as it heads towards White Coppice
Next WPW basic route instruction is ‘follow stony track uphill and round bend, go left to stile next to metal gate, cross bridge.