Link 2: From Edgworth
Starting point; Edgworth Institute 1.5 miles 2.4 km
Key: L= left R= right FP=footpath WPW= West Pennine Way
- Go through gate on R of play area
- Cross track and go through gate opposite
- Take R and follow higher FP through wood
- Turn R just before ornate stone bridge
- Through kissing gate then L over footbridge
- Continue on until after properties, take R fork heading towards chimney
- After passing chimney on L go down steps to houses
- Follow road to T junction and turn L onto old track
- Follow in front of Birches Road
- After Birch Cottage turn L passing 24 Vale St on your R
- Go over stone footbridge
- Then turn L down cobbled road
- Over stream take FP R and follow it to main bridge at Jumbles Reservoir
- Turn R over bridge onto WPW
The next WPW basic route instructions is ‘then take footpath right off track up steps through wood’.