From Edgworth


Link 3: From Edgworth

Starting point; Centre of Edgworth 1.4 miles 2.3 km

Key: L= left R= right FP=footpath WPW= West Pennine Way


  • Take road towards Darwen passing butchers on your L
  • Turn L down Crown Point and round L bend
  • Go straight on to ginnel and round R bend to road
  • Turn R on road then take FP L down Thomason Fold
  • Pass the Old Chapel on L
  • At fork continue slightly R passing Football Club on L
  • Cross field to FP at Wayoh Reservoir
  • Turn L and follow FP down to the reservoir dam
  • Take road across dam and continue up to main road
  • Turn L to Chapeltown as far as Chetham Arms
  • Continue on route from Chapeltown Link 4 to join WPW