Link 33: From Harwood 1.2 miles 2 km
Starting point; Primitive Methodist Chapel,Tottington Rd
Key: L= left R= right FP=footpath WPW= West Pennine Way
- Walk up the road
- Turn L down Riding Gate
- Continue to FP sign on L
- Follow this FP then take R fork
- Turn L on FP opposite Brookbottom Farm House
- Follow stream to housing estate
- Turn L to start of Birchfield
- Turn R and follow pavement to No. 36
- Here turn R on FP
- Follow FP L round railings on your R up to track
- Turn L on track and follow it to main road A676
- Cross road turn R to sign on L for Bradshaw Fisheries
- Turn L on WPW going towards Fisheries then Jumbles.
- Next West Pennine Way basic instruction is ‘take track leading to Fisheries and Jumbles. At corner turn off fishery road to take footpath right through gap next to gate …’