Link 22: From Helmshore 1.2 miles 1.9 km
Starting point; Entrance to Weaver’s Dean Housing Estate
Key: L= left R= right FP=footpath WPW= West Pennine Way
- Cross road turn R
- Turn L up the side of Wavell Garage
- Pass Albert Mill on your R
- Turn R up Park Road
- Follow track upwards
- At fork keep R (not over cattle grid)
- Continue going up to house
- Take FP on L of gate following stone wall on L up to and over stile
- Turn R up stony track
- After stony track continue on tarmac track round bend and keep following to gate at the top
- Go over stile, (see chimney ahead) but only go as far as wooden post on your L
- To join WPW by turning first L on track between stone heaps.
- Next WPW basic route instruction is ‘follow track on Rossendale Way through countless spoil heaps. Go over stile in stone wall.