Link 32: From Tottington 1.4 miles 2.3 km
Starting point; Bus Terminus
Key: L= left R= right FP=footpath WPW= West Pennine Way
- Cross road, turn R then first L Wesley St.
- Continue straight to top of street
- Turn R in front of houses
- Take FP on L of No. 88
- Go down steps and over stream
- Turn L up narrow road
- Take first R on Cann St
- Take FP 2nd track off to L towards Clay Butts Farm
- At corner take FP through gate (lamp post next to gate)
- FP follows hedge, then cross tarmac lane
- Continue to property
- Go on FP round R side of property
- Follow FP with wall on your R
- At junction of FPs (under pylon wires) turn R
- Head towards farm house with its buildings on R side
- Cross wooden bridge and on over stone stile on R of telegraph pole
- Cross field and over stile to Yeomans Farm to join WPW by continuing on FP straight ahead through farm going between gable end and old sheds then following hedge.
- Next West Pennine Way basic instruction is ‘ Continue to end of hawthorn hedge then cross field to the next stile near tall conifer hedge’.