Link 1: From Bromley Cross 1.25 miles 2 km
Starting point; Bromley Cross Station
Key: L= left R= right FP=footpath WPW= West Pennine Way
- Cross over railway track
- Turn R and then first L
- Follow this tarmac lane ignoring all FPs off to R signed Jumbles
- Pass properties Ousles Nest & Grange Manor
- Continue on passing Grange Farm
- Keep straight on to reservoir on your R
- After bridge turn R and continue still with reservoir on your R into Jumbles Country Park
- At fork bear L and continue on reservoir path as far as main bridge –DON’T GO OVER, but turn L to join WPW heading up to woods.
The next WPW basic route instructions is ‘continue through woods and a field to the main road B6391’)